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Solar Sun Rings High Wind Version With Water Anchors

  • Solar Sun Rings High Wind Version With Water Anchors
    Solar Sun Rings High Wind Version With Water Anchors
    Solar Sun Rings
    All New! The Australian Solar Sun Rings with integrated water anchor for high wind areas. The new design incorporates a water anchor channel around the perimeter of the ring. This keeps the rings secure in high wind areas. The Solar Sun Ring is a passive solar swimming pool heating device made from two sheets of heavyweight U.V. resistant vinyl. The upper clear layer holds insulating air and focuses sunlight on the blue colored lower layer. The blue layer absorbs about 50% of the sunlight and converts it to heat. The balance of the sunlight is allowed to pass through for deep water heating. At night the contained air acts as an insulating blanket to retain heat gained during daylight. Solar Sun Rings are equipped with six magnets to improve clarity and decrease hardness of the water in your pool. The magnets are positioned to facilitate rafting. The strength of the magnets will permit single position removal but will easily separate to prevent entrapment in accidental falls. ...
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